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Guided tours

Guided tours

The interiors and the courtyards of the castle can only be visit with a guided tour (duration approx. 40 minutes). Food, drinks and smoking are not permitted during the visit. Please set your mobile phone on the silent [...]

2019-05-09T12:24:14+02:00Thursday, 9. May 2019|

Photography and drones

You are allowed to take pictures and you can film during the guided tour (without a tripod). For the safety of our guests and for the protection of wild birds, unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are not permitted in [...]

2019-05-09T12:23:33+02:00Thursday, 9. May 2019|


We regret that wheelchair users are not able to visit the castle because of the many steps and irregularities of the area. The route through the castle may pose difficulties for people with physical disabilities. If you have [...]

2019-05-09T12:22:18+02:00Thursday, 9. May 2019|

Guided tours for children

The "Ghost-Tours" in German language will take place every Sunday and on German bank-holidays at 14 hrs from Easter-Sunday untill 1st November. A reservation is not need. During the German summer and autumn holidays, the "Ghost-Tour" with "Robber's [...]

2019-05-09T12:19:52+02:00Thursday, 11. April 2019|

Guided tours for groups

You are coming with more than 20 people and would like to be guided as a group? No problem! Simply fill out the inquiry form / booking request. Guided tours for groups are also available in English, French, [...]

2019-05-20T15:09:36+02:00Thursday, 11. April 2019|

Strollers and dogs

Strollers must be parked behind the main gate for the duration of the guided tour. Small children must either be carried or will have to walk themselves. Well-behaved dogs are allowed to accompany you on the guided tour. [...]

2019-05-09T12:21:43+02:00Thursday, 11. April 2019|
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